Friday, 8 June 2007

Suiciding Bunnies

A friend of mine just sent me an email with drawings of bunnies trying to commit suicide.
Personally, I thought it was hilarious, even if some workmates called me crazy :P Each cartoon shows one or more white rabbits in their creative attempts to end their lives using a variety of items. Revolving doors, a toaster, a cricket ball, a boomerang, a hand-grenade, the shining sun, a magnifying glass, lots of smoking cigarettes and bowling balls are all featured as suicidal tools. Those cartoons are taken from a book, The Book of Bunny Suicides: Little Fluffy Rabbits Who Just Don't Want To Live Any More (2003) is a collection of mostly one-image black comedy cartoons drawn by author Andy Riley.

There are many cultural references, like for example a drawing in which some bunnies commit suicide using Darth Vader's sword. Here you can see some of them, but there are more waiting for you!Keep tuned!^^


Anonymous said...

Muy bueno lo de los conejos suicidas. Sobre todo la viñeta donde esta apunto de grapar la cola del perro jajajjaja (es q me hace gracia el saltito que pega).
Un beso guapa!

Anonymous said...

Those bunnies are hilarius :P
Friend has calendar from the author... Every month bunny doing suicide in new way XP
I like the bunny killing himself with dvd-player and pushing the eject-button the best ^^